Episode 12: Discussing strategies for anxiety with Dr. Jill Bailey, psychotherapist and family medicine physician

Episode 12 notes


Hello! It was so insightful to chat with Dr. Jill Bailey about her new adventure as a psychotherapist. She transitioned from being a Family Medicine physician into a psychotherapist after getting some additional training in 2021.


I picked her brain about how to approach anxiety and Here are some highlights on what we hit in our segment today:

  • Bailey shares a bit of her story of how she got to where she is (1:45)
  • Her journey to psychotherapy (2:42)
  • What her strength is as a therapist (4:35)
  • Why she enjoys addressing mental health of her clients (7:07)
  • Setting realistic goals (as opposed to “dead people’s goals”) (9:57)
  • What are automatic thoughts and how to break them (11:07), and balance thoughts (12:15)
  • How and when to use a “noticing a thought” tool (13:12)
  • Experiencing and awareness of emotions (14:11)
  • Where our power lies (hint: in not reacting to our urges) (14:55)
  • What are “core beliefs” (15:35)
  • What is “flexible” belief (17:44)
  • What is core belief record (18:44) – how a new core belief might be true
  • What is the purpose of worry, really? (19:36)
  • Awareness of how worry is not helpful
  • Sensation of anxiety (22:33) – notice it, be aware of it, and how it may be rising (pot of boiling water – it starts with cold water first)
  • Neat tool of “pocket relaxation” (23:44) and why it works (24:32), the science-y explanation for it!


Dr. Jill Bailey can be found at www.telecbt.ca for psychotherapy session intake forms.

She also does life coaching at: www.jillbaileymdlifecoaching.ca.

She said she would love to be back

You can reach me on facebook at "martina lenartova" or visit my website at: www.winningatfibromyalgia.com



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